Chiropractic adjustment
The chiropractic adjustment is a very specific manipulation targeting the spinal column and body members, to correct articulations’ bio-mechanical disorders and restore the integrity of the nervous system. That way, it releases the natural healing potential of the body in order to restore an optimal state of health and slow down degenerative processes. Gentle and non-invasive technics can also be used on the muscles, viscera and skull.
To this day, only a certificated chiropractor who received the right schooling can execute a precise adjustment without any danger.
Possible symptoms
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Reasons for a chiropractic consultation are varied
Lower back pain, overall back pain, neck pain, herniated disk, tendinopathy, fibromyalgia, stress, headache, dizziness, knee/ankle/feet/elbow/shoulder/wrist pain.
Digestive and sleep disorders, scoliosis, growth retardation, etc...
Chiropractic specificities
Understand the difference between...
Chiropractors are specialists of the neuro-muscular-skeletal apparatus.
They are health professionals of first intention, scientifically and rigorously trained to detect, diagnostic and correct dysfunctions that are present into the organism.
Chiropractor are the only professionals allowed to practice the art of adjustment. They can intervene to prevent as well as to cure a trouble, and it is not necessary to have a medical prescription to consult them.
Osteopaths are specialized in fluids and their free circulation into the human body (blood, lymph and cerebrospinal fluid).
They are not health professionals and are not allowed to practice vertebral manipulations.
However, they received an advanced education to practice a wide range of therapeutic approaches.
Osteopathy and chiropractic are two hand-operated medicines, often put in competition, even though they don’t have the same action-field nor the same impact.
Therefore, a patient could choose to consult both specialists, provided that they inform them of everything in order to avoid any conflit between both therapies.
Physiotherapists are health professionals specialized in re-education and rehabilitation. They receive their patient on medical prescription after a medical consultation.
This job belongs to the rehabilitation corporation, like occupational therapists, neuropsychologists, speech therapists, orthoptists, chiropodist/podiatrist...